Friday, August 15, 2008

Our National Flag

Our National Flag was born on 22nd July, 1947. It was designed by Lt. Shri Pingali Venkayya. He defined it as:-

"India's flag is a tricolor standard, with bands of saffron, white, and dark green. The saffron represents courage, sacrifice, patriotism, and renunciation. It is also the color of the Hindu people. The green stands for faith, fertility and the land; it is the color of the Islam religion. The white is in the center, symbolizing the hope for unity and peace. In the center of the white band is a blue wheel with 24 spokes. This is the Ashoka Chakra (or "Wheel of Law"). The Chakra represents the continuing progress of the nation and the importance of justice in life. It also appears on the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka ".

The Tiranga was first hoisted at the Council House on 15th August, 1947.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fun at Feroz Shah Kotla

Our visit to the ruins of Feroz Shah Kotla was a pleasant surprise. We had just reached office and were settling down on our seats. Suddenly our team leader called our content team and told us that it's time for a break. A break early in the morning! Surprising...but more than that, exciting! A break is always welcome, anytime of the day!! So off we went leaving the rest of the people in the office wondering where we were heading to.

Fifteen minutes walk from the office and we reached Feroz Shah Kotla. As we moved around the premises, the adventurous spirit of the people took over. Some were quick enough to reach the top of the ruins to see the Asoka Pillar while others moved around exploring the grounds. As we walked inside the long corridors of the plundered building, we heard the cries of bats. Mistaking it to be the squeak of mice, we moved ahead confidently till one among us pointed towards the bats hanging in the inner cells. That was enough to drive us all out of the building! Next, we headed towards the mosque and then, after clicking a few memorable photographs, we returned back to the office.

It was real fun, we actually got to know each other a little more. Here, I got to see more of the characteristics with which we identify each one in office. The talkative ones were more talkative, the restless proved to be quite exploring, and the quiet were quite observant. In short, an enjoyable experience with a group of different people...all fun loving!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

School Days!!

School days are unforgettable. The friends we make during these years are the ones that stay for ever. Learning together, chatting, punishments, home-work, class tests, exams, jokes…the list goes on.

Flipping through the pages of my diary, I came across some lines that I wrote about my school days… the days spent in La Martiniere!!

One incident that often comes to my mind is when I was in class IX. Punita, Prachi and I, all three of us were in the same section. It so happened that one of our teachers was absent and so an English teacher, Mrs. Young came to substitute. (Before I move further, let me tell you that Mrs. Young is known for her impeccable English. And of course, all the students were scared of her!!)

This was a special day for Punita or lets say it turned out to be so…after all, she got to know some nice English words that perhaps had temporarily erased from her memory (and our memories too!) It was the first class after lunch and Punita was returning from the Bio Lab. She entered the class (unluckily, after Mrs. Young). So now she had to give an explanation regarding her absence. Prompt as she is, pat came the reply, “Ma’am I had gone to the Bio Lab to submit my biology practical file.” Suddenly, the expression on Mrs. Young’s face changed and she shouted, “Where had you been?!!” “Ma’am Bio Lab”, repeated Punita.

O Shit! She was even more furious!! Prachi looked in bewilderment and me too! In fact the whole class was confused as to what went wrong.

Mrs. Young screamed again, “Your Engliiiishhhh! Bio Lab…what is Bio Lab?!!!”
After exchanging some confused expression and I guess some hints from Prachi, Punita replied, “Ma’am Biology Lab.” And she screamed again, “Biology Lab!”

All right! Let me tell you…it’s still not complete! Though for a moment none of us in the whole class could realize. And as I said, the correct word had temporarily erased from our memories, so of course Mrs. Young had to do the honors…after all none of us could understand what to say!

She blared, “It is Biology Laboratory!” And as Punita repeated, “Yes Ma’am, Biology Laboratory”, the rest of the class pursed their lips to suppress the smiles (Though I’m sure I heard some giggles and remarks about Mrs. Young’s perfection for English!).

That was real fun….Biology Laboratory! All the years in school…I wonder who ever bothered to say those words again! Bio Lab is cool and I’m dead sure Mrs. Young uses it too…always!

Guess it was just a day of enlightenment for all of us!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tips For a Better Life ...

We get so many forwarded mails from friends that often, if the mail is too big, we prefer to skip. Who cares about reading some forwarded material that has been sent to a whole bunch, mostly because it says "Forward it to 10 people and your wish will come true"!

I'll not boast of being any different from the crowd but this mail particularly, proved an interesting one...though the topic was quite drab to motivate young blood to read...!!

Of course i'd like to share it with all... and make things more easy, i've just picked out a few good ones.

* Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
* Dream more while you are awake.
* Life isn't fair, but it's still good
* Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
* Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
* You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
* Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
* Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
* No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
* Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
* Forgive everyone for everything.
* What other people think of you is none of your business.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we all follow some of these or at least believe in their goodness. Those who follow know the difference and those who don't, well, it's never late to try!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Positive Thinking

We all like to be called positive thinkers, people with a positive frame of mind...people who always see the brighter side of things...OPTIMISTS! But what really is optimism? For long i've treasured these let me pass the wisdom!

"Being positive doesn't mean stiking your head in the ground in order to avoid the negative of life. What it means is that we are realists who understand the negative aspects of life and choose to be optimists instead. We deal with the negative and pursue the positive."

Truly positive..isn't it!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Let's Begin...

Unsaid words…pages in the diary…and finally this blog! My thoughts have come a long way!

Today I’d like to share. My diary is full and now it's time for all to know what I’ve scribbling all this while.

Poems, thoughts, quotes and even stories... Just wait and watch!